Ruth Cann
"Ruth's dedication to mastering the Adobe suite is truly impressive. Her ability to quickly adapt and utilise these tools to their full potential sets her apart, consistently delivering high-quality results on time. Ruth's commitment to professional growth makes her an invaluable asset in any creative environment."
Nick Williams, Owner of Own Logo Supply Company

I am an eager and outgoing individual who is punctual and motivated. I’m continually looking for ways I can further my knowledge for my professional and personal growth. I enjoy challenging myself with new programmes and have become adept in swiftly utilising their capabilities. This is assisted with my base knowledge of programmes such as Maya, Blender and the Adobe suite alongside my four years of using well known marketing platforms such as eBay and Amazon. My proficiency in effectively managing workloads and prioritising my tasks enables me to deliver high quality results within the allocated timeframe.
Some of my key professional skills Are:
Workload Management and Prioritisation
Team Collaboration
Customised Advertising Creation
Staff Training and Development
E-commerce Management
Project Coordination
Multi-channel Sales Management
Continuous Learning and Skills Improvement

I enjoy digital and traditional drawing in my downtime. Practising regularly helps me develop my skills and I find joy in gifting my artwork to family and friends. I frequently appraise my skills and investigate new techniques to improve my abilities. In my free
time, I also assemble, airbrush and detail miniature figurines, often working on projects with my partner who shares my creative passion. We enter competitions throughout the year to showcase our skills.
I am a keen computer gamer, have recently completed Avatar, I also relish a challenge and strive to complete games to 100% completion where ever possible. Having studied animation at university it always fascinates me the amount of time and effort that goes in to making games, as I understand and appreciated the efforts involved.
New Designers Show Finalist
I was one of the five chosen within my university class to attend the New Desgners show where I placed in the top three highest ranking individuals within Animation for my piece "The Cherry Red Shed".
Bronze Duke of Edinburgh
Focused on personal development including social, spiritual and community. Encompassing orienteering, personal fitness, community work, volunteering at events such as coffee mornings, face painting at fetes and fundraising events.
Golden Demon Finalist
Myself and my partner enter into the world renowned Golden Demon Painting Competition, completing one of the largest models in Games Workshop’s collection. We were awarded a finalist badge for our team effort.
London Youth Games
I participated in the London Youth Games for cycling, where we implemented a rule that each team must include at least one female member. This initiative promoted inclusivity in cycling. I was also lucky enough to participate in kayaking as well.